How do I upload or change my profile photo?
Add a photo album containing one or more pictures. To add pictures, you can simply drag and drop them into the upload area, or alternatively browse to the photo and upload it. Once your photo is added, click the “set as profile picture” button under it.
How do I add a new album?
Under the profile picture on your page there is a Photo Albums heading. Click the Add button under this.
How do I delete a photo or an album?
First open the album. To delete the entire album, click the delete button at the top. To delete individual photos, click the delete button under the photo.
How can I flip through an album without having to open each picture separately?
With the album open, click on the photo you want to start with. At the top you’ll see buttons to go to the next and previous image in the album.
What photo types and sizes can I upload?
You can upload jpeg, gif, tif, png, bmp files. The maximum file size is 1G.