Support Pleasurable Things
Have a big crush on the site and not sure what to do about it? There are several ways you can let your love be known, some subtle and so not-so-subtle. Suggestions:
1. Put your mark on it. User-generated content helps us grow and stay interesting. Once you’ve logged in, upload as many photos and videos as you like, comment on existing articles, answer some surveys, create new events.
2. Offer constructive criticism. Let us know about the things you love as well as things that aren’t quite working.
3. Submit to us. We welcome article ideas, as well as suggestions of events to list and anything else you think Pleasurable Things should get involved with.
4. Make a lasting gesture - become a Founding Member. During our first year of operation (2012), new members who make a donation to the site will get a medal on their profile picture in recognition of the help they’ve given the site in its early days.
Here’s how it works:
Donate $25 (B⃦ 0.00BTC), get a bronze “Founding Member” medal displayed on your profile, and free access throughout 2012.
Donate $50 (B⃦ 0.00BTC), get a silver “Founding Member” medal displayed on your profile, and free access throughout 2012.
Donate $100 or more (B⃦ 0.01BTC), get a shiny gold “Founding Member” medal displayed on your profile, AND lifetime membership!
Medals stay on your profile forever.
All accounts on Pleasurable Things are currently free, however later this year there will start to be a fee for full-featured accounts.
To donate, click on the Paypal image at the bottom of the page.