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Wine Regions of Bordeaux

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  • PT Eds.
  • Tue, May 08 2012 at 6:30pm until Wed, May 23 2012 at 9:30pm
  • Wine Event
  • In this wine seminar on the region that produces the most expensive, and sought-after top quality wines in the world…The land of the “Cru”…The world’s greatest wine region … …“Bordeaux”, you will learn to put into context the main areas from the right and the left bank of the Gironde, the Medoc, Graves and the Bordelaise; while enjoying some of the best Crus Bourgeois, premier Crus and Grand Crus from the Medoc, (St. Estephe, Pauillac, St. Julien, Moulis, Listrac, Margaux), Pessac Leognan, Saint-Emilion, Fronsac, Sauternes, and Pomerol, etc.


    The cost of this session is $57.00, (space is limited).


    For more information and to register, visit: http://torontowinesociety.com/


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